In the hustle and bustle of the world, there’s a lot expected from us. We often have to fit specific molds at home, in our jobs, in society at large. It can sometimes be difficult to remember who we truly are amidst all of the selves we have to wear at different times. But it doesn’t have to be this way. In this post, we’ll explore some of the ways we can tune back into our inner desires and reconnect with our true self.

  1. Journaling

This is probably the one I struggle to stay consistent with the most, which probably means I need to work on it the most. I don’t know what it is about journaling, but it’s taken me years to find my groove, which feels weird for a writer. But honestly, journaling can be helpful. It can help you get space and clarity by getting all your thoughts down. Getting your thoughts out of your brain can let you work through decisions and get a better understanding of your feelings and values. Journaling can also help you with creative expression and emotional resilience.

There are several different ways you can try journaling. It’s not a one-size-fits-all. You can use journal prompts to get your creative juices flowing or just write out what happened to you that day. Stream of consciousness is also an option, where you set a timer and don’t lift your pen from the paper until the timer goes off, just writing exactly what you’re thinking in that time frame. If you’re more of a visual person, try art journaling or visual journaling, where you draw out what you’re thinking or what has happened to you. A quick way to find a little more joy in life is gratitude journaling. Carve out a few minutes every day and jot down three to ten things you’re grateful for that day. It’ll open your eyes up to more things to be grateful for, and you’ll wire your brain for more gratitude and happiness.

Whatever form of journaling works best for you, keep playing around with it. There’s a version out there for you, and when you find it, stick with it. It’ll help you find yourself a little more every day.

  1. Meditation

A lot of people find meditation boring. They don’t like the idea of sitting in one place, trying to think about nothing. And trust me, I get it. But that’s not what meditation has to be. Meditation can look like whatever you need it to be. Maybe that’s guided meditation, where you listen to someone lead you through a meditation. Visualization or mantra meditation might work best for you. Try visualizing something specific, or repeating affirmations or phrases, so you don’t have to worry about trying to think about nothing. Walking mediation is also worth a try, where you take a walk without any music or podcasts, and you just observe what you observe.

When you find the form of meditation that you find works for you, try to make time for it daily. Research shows that meditation helps lower blood pressure and improve sleep quality, reduce stress and anxiety, enhance decision-making skills, and so much more. Doesn’t that sound like it’s worth giving a shot?

  1. Setting Boundaries

Setting boundaries sounds a little bit nebulous, doesn’t it? But this can include time boundaries so you don’t overcommit yourself, emotional boundaries so you don’t take responsibility for others’ emotions, privacy boundaries so you only share personal information you’re comfortable with, and physical boundaries so you can define your own personal space. And those are just a handful of examples.

So, how to set boundaries? Figure out what you’re comfortable with in whatever category you’re setting boundaries in by identifying your priorities. Then communicate those boundaries to the necessary people clearly without blame or judgement. Make sure to be assertive and set consequences when you set these boundaries. Above all, practice consistency. By setting boundaries, you’ll be able to come back to yourself without worrying about whether or not others will allow you to do so.

  1. Moving Your Body

I’ll be real, I don’t always want to move my body. But it does help in a lot of cases, as much as I hate to admit it sometimes. However, I refuse to move my body if it’s not fun. For half of my life, I was an Irish dancer. As an adult, I discovered roller derby, which I played for three years. It was brutal, and I loved it. Then my body revolted, and I had to make a switch. I started getting really into yoga. I even got certified as a yoga teacher and started teaching kids’ yoga. It allows me to move as gently as I need to, and teaching means I have an external reason to move.

If you think you don’t like exercise, it probably means you haven’t found your exercise yet. Exercise doesn’t have to look like lifting weights at the gym, if that makes you miserable. I’ve tried pole fitness, boxing, running, all sorts of things. You have to find what you enjoy. Even if it’s just taking a walk around the block with your dog, your kids, or your best friend. Moving your body can be fun. It also helps you reconnect with your inner self and find some joy in your life.

  1. Creating Rituals

Rituals don’t have to be difficult or complicated. Even simple rituals help to ground you and bring you back to yourself. A morning ritual and an evening ritual can make all the difference. My morning ritual has to be simple, because I wake up early for work, and I don’t wake up easily. I need a simple ritual that gets me going and gets me grounded, without feeling like I’m hitting the ground running.

My evening ritual can be a little more, but I still like it to be simple, because I’m usually decompressing from my day at work. I try to dedicate more time to my partner, because I don’t see him most of the day. But like I said, none of it has to be complex.

When it comes to coming back to your inner self, start small. Nothing will burn you out faster than trying to do too much too fast. Try out one of these tips, and once you feel like you have a good handle on it, add another one. Build on top of already existing habits. As you can see, there is no one right way to do it. It is possible to reconnect with yourself. And in the world that we live in today, what a gift that is.

Let me know in the comments how you reconnect with yourself.